Wednesday, May 6, 2020

New Deal and Civilian Conservation Corps - 3206 Words

Roosevelt’s New Deal Cora E. Parks January 16 2013 The New Deal was a series of programs created by the 32nd President of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, during a time of economic depression to help the poor and destitute people of the nation by creating jobs, providing economic recovery, helping restore damaged areas in the U.S., and much more. In 1932, when the American public voted President Herbert Hoover out of office, they were searching for an end to the economic troubles and high unemployment rates that had smothered the nation U.S. for two years. [ (Civilian Conservation Corps CCC) ] They turned to Franklin D. Roosevelt, a man who promised better life than the one many people were now†¦show more content†¦[ (Civilian Conservation Corps CCC) ] Enlisted personnel and supervisors totaled more than 5,300 and occupied four large camps. [ (Civilian Conservation Corps CCC) ] The program enjoyed great public support. Once the first camps were established and the CCC became better known, they became accepted and even sought after. [ (Civilian Conservation Corps CCC) ] The CCC camps stimulated regional economies and provided communities with improvements in forest activity, flood control, fire protection, and overall community safety. [ (Civilian Conservation Corps CCC) ] FDR in response to the farmer’s distress created the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA). It protected farmers from price drops by providing crop subsidies to reduce production and educational programs to teach methods of preventing soil erosion.(New Deal Programs) Also the intent of the AAA was to restore the purchasing power of American farmers to pre-World War I levels. [ (AAA: Agricultural Adjustment Act) ] The money to pay the farmers for cutting back production by about 30% was raised by a tax on companies that bought farm products and processed them into food and clothing. The AAA evened the balance of supply and demand for farm commodities so that prices would support a decent purchasing power for farmers.Show MoreRelatedThe Civilian Conservation Corps : A New Deal Program1504 Words   |  7 PagesFollowing the Civilian Conservation Corps, another new deal program was established. This one was known as The Tennessee Valley Authority. The Tennessee Valley Authority was established in 1933 in order to control floods, improve navigation, improve the living standards of farmers, and produce electrical power along the Tennessee River and its rivers. The Tennessee Valley Authority joined all the activities of the various government agencies in the area and placed them under the control of a singleRead More Recessions and Depressions Essay1653 Words   |  7 Pagesaffects of it lasted into the 1940s. Franklin Roosevelt was elected president during this period; legislation he passed tried to alleviate the suffering of the public. 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