Saturday, February 29, 2020

Analysing Homelessness In Australia

Analysing Homelessness In Australia Over the past few decades, mechanisms of social exclusion and social control have made it increasingly hard for Australia’s homeless. Many texts discuss the issue of defining homelessness and it is now widely accepted there are several different kinds. Here, I will be talking primarily about Primary homelessness, which is also known as ‘sleeping rough’, where people sleep in cars, parks or other public spaces (Which Way Home? 2008: 18). On average around 105,000 people are homeless in Australia each night and around 15% of these are rough sleeper (The Road Home 2008: 3). The majority of homeless people list financial difficulty, domestic violence, family breakdown or substance abuse as the main causes of their homeless status (Which Way Home? 2008: 20). Homelessness remains a particular problem among Australia’s Indigenous people, who are over represented in their use of homeless services in all states and territories (Which Way Home? 2008: 20). While home lessness itself is not illegal in Australia, many acts committed by the homeless are, such as public urination, public drunkenness and the possession of illegal drugs. Criminalization of the homeless occurs because these people lack the private space in which to engage in these behaviours. Governments assume that by removing the homeless from public spaces that they are reducing crime and creating safe streets for the law abiding public. However, as illustrated above, the crimes the homeless commit do not generally hurt others or damage property. They are breaking specific laws that have been created by the government which are enforced to exclude certain groups of society from specific public spaces, notably the spaces that the wealthy inhabit. Criminalizing the homeless for behavior that is unavoidable in their situation is not simply poor public policy; it also places unnecessary stress on the criminal justice system. Criminalizing the homeless also leaves the law enforcement off icials to deal with related issues, such as issues such as mental illness and alcoholism (citation). Alcoholism is an issue that is common among the homeless population and it is a condition that often intensifies as a result of being homeless. Criminalizing the homeless for being drunk on the streets does not treat the problem, nor does it assist the police in ‘cleaning up the streets’. It is often found is that homeless alcoholics use rehabilitation centre’s as shelter services, but have little intention of treating their addiction (Wilhite 1992: 190). This indicates that the provision of suitable housing is a prerequisite to treating alcoholism. Once suitably housed, alcoholics have an increased chance of using alcohol rehabilitation services effectively. However, as suitable housing becomes increasingly scarce, the homeless are released from the justice system and back on to the street, where the cycle is then repeated. Homelessness has also increased signifi cantly among the mentally ill in recent decades. This has been attributed to discontinuity in mental health services where individuals are transferred from an institutional to community living (Conover et al. 1997: 256). This burden of care has shifted from mental hospitals to the community; however, development of housing and community services has not kept up with the demand (Greenblatt 1992: 49). The outcome here is that many of Australia’s mentally ill have ended up are end up on the streets and are criminalized for behaviour’s that are symptoms of their illness. Once again, nobody benefits from the existing system. Our mentally ill are left untreated and our criminal justice system gets increasingly clogged with cases of minor offences that have harmed no one.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

International Supply Chain Design Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

International Supply Chain Design - Assignment Example This country is currently rated as a high-income nation other vital statistics updated in 2012 including 97% of the rural population have access to water, life expectancy at birth stands at 75 years, and a national per-capita income of $24,310 (World-Bank, 2014). Saudi Arabia has among the largest oil reserves in the world and stands among the biggest suppliers of oil in the world. Before the transition of the economy to an oil-driven economy, Saudi Arabia had a slowly growing economy which was run by subsistence Agriculture. Through the years, the drafting of the national budget has highly been influenced by the estimated national oil price for the expected year. With sometimes the unpredictable oil price change implicated the first budget deficit in Saudi Arabia in 2009 (Ramady, 2010, p. 44). Thus, it is evident that this industry is the economy is over-dependent to the oil sector for the purpose of running its economy. To try to counter this, the government is advocating to suppor t other foreign and domestic investors to invest away from the oil market for the purpose to de-monopolize the country's economic outlook. Saudi Arabia is the largest oil supply in the world. As a kingdom, this country played a vital role in its contribution to the world’s economy. Oil exploration in this country was started as early as 1933 and ever since the nation has maintained its relevance to the global economy by controlling an asset that directly contributes to the stabilization of the world’s economy.  

Saturday, February 1, 2020

The Perfect eProduct Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Perfect eProduct - Essay Example However, it is without question that with this drastic increase in available technology, the price of these devices have risen precipitously. Along with this price increase, so too as the consumption habits that the consumers display. Rather than changing a mobile device several times throughout the year, individuals are now encouraged, by simple force of economics, to retain their device longer, protect it, and seek to repair it in the off chance that it is somehow damaged. It is further estimated by experts that the industry responsible for the repair of mobile devices engenders an economy that is worth tens of millions of dollars annually. Whereas the repair of current mobile devices takes many shapes and forms, the most common repair that is engaged is repair of chipped, broken, or cracked glass screens. Whereas formerly mobile devices were put together with plastic LCD panels, the trend towards touch-screen devices has meant that more and more of these devices are now made with glass. As such, the product which will be promoted within this analysis for sale within the online market, will provide the consumer with an alternative to the exhorbitantly expensive screen replacements that can cost as much as 30% of the original phone’s cost. As such, the product which will herein be discussed and analyzed is a glass gel that has already been used in the automotive industry for decades which helps to seal and repair cracks, chips, or other imperfections on a glass surface. As such, the following section will engage the reader with a discussion and analysis of some of the key benefits that this particular product has to offer with regards to consumer utility and the ability of being sold online. The first of these is with regards the ultimate lightweight nature of the product itself. Comprising less than one fluid ounce, this particular product easily the ships; with little to no cost to the end consumer. Furthermore, it should also be understood that this particular product offers a tangential benefit of being a low-cost alternative the increasingly pricey cost of mobile phone screen repair; which was noted previously within this brief analysis (Wolf, 2012). As such, the gamble the individual consumer with regards to integrating person is your products are less than it would be if the product or service was closer in price to the alternative that face. A tertiary benefit is with regards to the fact that the existing supply of this glass gelling compound can easily be purchased in a litany of auto repair supply centers and repackaged at a significant markup (Moran, 2013). Fourthly, the high profit margin that could be denoted from this particular approach is clear and evident. Finally, it must be understood that there is ultimately no cost of research and development regards as the innovations are in place and the product provider is merely repackaging and reselling this product to the consumer for use in a different application that it was originally intended. Accordingly, the utility that can be gained from all of this, for the producer/seller, is that all of these facts help to directly translate to an increased level of money that can be saved on research and development, shipping costs, purchase of raw material in bulk, simplicity of product marketing, and a great many other