Monday, December 30, 2019

Invisible Man Essay - 1354 Words

The narrator in Invisible Man has the opportunity to take on numerous roles in this novel due to his invisibility. The narrator comes in contact with 3 main characters that greatly shape his life and make him the invisible man that he is. The white men from the ballroom, Dr. Herbert Bledsoe from the college, and the narrator’s grandfather all have a huge impact on the narrator’s life. In his novel, Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison uses the main characters to affect the narrator’s invisibility. The highly ranked white people from the hotel ballroom affected the narrator’s invisibility by humiliation, embarrassment, and publicly degrading him. They ridiculed him while he gave a speech that took much time and effort on his part, and belittled†¦show more content†¦The entertainment not only came from the black men fighting over coins, but little did the blacks know, the rug was electrified. The narrator tells us â€Å"I lunged for a yellow coin lying on the blue design of the carpet, touching it and sending a surprised shriek to join the rising around me. I tried to frantically to remove my hand but could not let go. A hot, violent force tore though my body, shaking me like wet rat. The rug was electrified.† (27). The white men make the narrator feel inferior to them by making him the course of their entertainment. They make him feel ashamed and worthless. His feeling of invisibility not only comes from the belittling remarks they make, and what he has to do, but also the thought that the whites have that much control over what he is doing. Dr. A. Herbert Bledsoe is the president at the state college for Negroes, that the narrator attends. Dr. Bledsoe is very selfish and ambitious. He shows his confidence through his posture and through everything he does. He is very conceited and has to take notice in not only himself, but his work. The narrator explains â€Å"As we approached a mirror Dr. Bledsoe stopped and composed his angry face like a sculptor, making it a bland mask, leaving only the sparkle of his eyes to betray the emotion that I had seen only a moment before. He looked steadily at himself for a moment†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (102). He is only concerned with the authority he holds and the power that comes withShow MoreRelatedInvisible Man1346 Words   |  6 PagesJanelle Clovie Dr. Blanchard AP Literature 3 November 2017 Familial Connections in Invisible Man Family. It is a very fluid yet rigid idea. It has a wealth of definitions, all of which range in degree and magnitude, and vary from person to person; yet the concept of how a family should work and operate is very concrete in most American minds. Family is a bond that is crafted every second of everyday until it is powerful, and this can shape beliefs, outlooks, and confidence. A study found that childrenRead More Invisible Man Essay: Values of the Invisible Man1267 Words   |  6 PagesValues of the Invisible Man      Ã‚  Ã‚   Ralph Ellisons Invisible Man is the story of an educated black man who has been oppressed and controlled by white men throughout his life. As the narrator, he is nameless throughout the novel as he journeys from the South, where he studies at an all-black college, to Harlem where he joins a Communist-like party known as the Brotherhood. Throughout the novel, the narrator is on a search for his true identity. Several letters are given to him by outsiders thatRead More Invisible Man Essay: Self-Identity in Invisible Man1040 Words   |  5 PagesSelf-Identity in Invisible Man      Ã‚  Ã‚   In the novel, Invisible Man, the main character carries around a briefcase throughout the entire story. All of the possessions that he carries in that briefcase are mementos from learning experiences. Throughout the novel, the Invisible Man is searching for his identity and later discovers that his identity is in those items. As the narrator is leaving Marys house for the Brotherhood, he sees a Negro-doll bank in his room. He is angry that the dollRead MoreImprovisation Of The Invisible Man1392 Words   |  6 Pagesand Composition III February 15, 2017 Improvisational Music In Invisible Man â€Å"My only sin is in my skin, What did I do to be so black and blue?† The protagonist, the invisible man, is stoned from marijuana as he listened to Armstrong s rendition of What Did I Do to Be So Black and Blue and determined that invisibility gives one a slightly different sense of time, you re never quite on the beat. (Prologue.)† The invisible man respected Armstrong for making something beautiful out of invisibilityRead MoreHamlet Invisible Man1412 Words   |  6 Pagesthe need to search for . In Shakespeare’s â€Å"Hamlet† and Ellison’s Invisible Man, the feminine character traits of the protagonists are alluded to as the cause of their failures, which supports the idea that the inward battle between masculinity and femininity exist as the characters journey closer to their identity. â€Å"It has been generally believed that males stand as opposed to females physically, intellectually, and emotionally. Man is supposed to be strong, courageous, rational and sexually aggressive;Read MoreThe Evolution of the Invisible Man in Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison1032 Words   |  5 PagesThe Evolution of the Invisible Man in Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison In everyones life, there are growing experiences. People evolve not only physically as they get older but also ideologically. Perhaps they might become wiser or shrug off the trendy doctrines that may have tried to shape their destiny long ago. Ralph Ellison illustrates this struggle of change in Invisible Man. 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Stereotypes define how society believes these people should act and how they should be treated. These stereotypes are, in effect, a pre-made identity. There are three options an individual must face when presented with this pre-made identity. The individual can accept this identity as his/her own. This would maximizeRead MoreThe Brotherhoods in the Invisible Man2033 Words   |  9 PagesThe Brotherhood in the Invisible Man Brotherhoods are associations, usually of men, that unite for common purposes. The members in the brotherhood typically respect one another, defend one another, and cooperate to obtain specific goals. The American Federation of Labor (AFL) was one of the first federations of labor unions in the United States, whose goal is to create better employment opportunities for workers. Kappa Sigma and Sigma Chi are two of the largest university fraternities in the countryRead More The Invisible Man Essay964 Words   |  4 Pages The Invisible Man, by H.G. Wells, is composed of many small themes that combined to form two major themes in the novel. Some of the minor themes are acting before thinking and denial of unexplainable events. It is based on the two major themes of science experiments gone wrong and the ignorance of society. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The most important theme in the novel was the experiment that Griffin, the invisible man, was working and it was not going exactly as planned. The way that the experiment

Sunday, December 22, 2019

My Writing Skills Have Improved Since Freshman Year

The pieces say that as a student I put the effort that I can into my work. I try my best to finish the in class writing in time and to put effort and creativeness into the creative writing pieces. Looking at my hand written work, I need to slow down and try to write more legibly because I am not showing my best handwriting in those pieces. I am proud of my Fall/Spring benchmark grades, but I can work to improve. In the process of creating I learned that there can be multiple answers and perspectives from one question. There are different ways to approach a prompt that can be all be correct. The research paper also helped fill my knowledge with U.S. and Haiti intervention. I would definitely agree that my writing skills have improved since Freshman year. I learned to write more context and to not use certain words in my writings. My creative writing pieces have shown a deal of improvement as well. Compared to many that I did awhile back, my pieces are more creative and flow more. I have most certainly grown as a student and as a person. I struggled with writing more on an assignment. I had to develop a longer analysis in many of my works, but for most I liked to keep it short and simple, which I have learned that that will not be enough. I struggled to find enough relevant ideas and thoughts that came from my own brain to place in my pieces. There were times when I had difficulty searching my brain for thoughts but once I developed an idea, I wrote it down. I had greatShow MoreRelatedReflective Essay On Self Reflection956 Words   |  4 Pages As the semester of my first year in high school comes to an end, I look back to the beginning of the year to when I had no idea on how to write a quality paper or even how to use correct format and evidence. However, with a teacher who connects with students and using tools to enhance my paper, I feel more confident in independently writing an essay. In spite of the fact that it’s been a little over four months since the beginning of the year, I feel like I have improved. From â€Å"to-be verbs† to sentenceRead MoreMy Writing Skills Improved Over The Last Semester950 Words   |  4 Pages My Writing Skills have improved Over the Last Semester While attending writing class, I learned about the 4 steps in writing, bases for revising, organizing, and connecting specific information, and I also learned about the different types of essays such as descriptive, narrative, process, cause and effect and argumentative essay. I have been a student at Milwaukee Area Technical College for 1 semester, and over the course of my enrollment I have grown and learned more that I knew prior to attendingRead MoreHow I Learned Me My Writing1226 Words   |  5 PagesThroughout my whole life, I really struggled with writing. Every time the English teacher gave the class an assignment to write an essay, I was always felt terrified because I never saw any improvements in my writing whenever I got my essays back from the teacher. However, I wanted to change that this year. Writing 101 has been a very interesting class this year, especially since the theme of the class was â€Å"tai chi on paper†. In this class, I learned many techniques tha t helped me improve my writing likeRead MoreThe Importance Of Reading And Writing On My Life1376 Words   |  6 Pages Reading and writing are two of the most important tools in my life, because without them I would not have an education. They form the basis of a class; for example, completing a lab in chemistry would not be possible without following a written lab procedure. These two skills are taught at such a young age, and as education advances students must continue to strive to reach a higher level. I can remember in elementary school, we were always pushed to reach the next reading level once we had successfullyRead MoreMy Writing On My Grammar Essay1156 Words   |  5 PagesThroughout this course I feel that I have immensely improved my writing skills. Before taking this class, I really disliked writing. I would much rather read than write. I never wanted to take this class, but my parents strongly encouraged me to because they wanted me to be challenged in school. I was terrified to be in a college level class with seniors and a bunch of other people I did not know. I took this class anyways because I did not have any other better options. Of course I still doRead MoreExpected School-Wide Learning Results854 Words   |  4 Pagesbeen easy, but it’s a part of life we all go through, Like in the Disney Movie Meet the Robinsons you need to â€Å"Keep Moving Forward†. In Life we have to take challenging Obstacle courses that are not so easy but it helps us in life. One challenging obstacle course that we take is school, to be exact High school. In high school to get to the top you have to fail because from failing you learn, because you learn from your mistakes and â€Å"Keep Moving Forward† and you do your best to do a better job theRead MoreWhen I Analyzed The Evidence, I Looked At Both The Statistics1274 Words   |  6 Pagesthe presentation for my students, I consulted my school’s librarian who is an expert in research. He came in during my presentation to answer any further questions and also reinforce key concepts that I had presented to students. Students demonstrated growth with this skill, averaging a 9 out of 10 on this formative assessment. Initially, students averaged a 3.7 out of 5 on the citation section of the first formative assessment. As such, they showed a 16% growth in this skill. We also crafted threeRead MoreThe frog, which made it out of the well800 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Everybody has to start somewhere. You have your whole future ahead of you. Perfection doesnt happen right away† by Haruki Murakami, the quote woke me up since six years ago. When I first came to America, my English was humorously sounded like a frog. Thus, I thought that how could my teachers make me write in many different subjects every day, when I could barely communicate in English; I was wrong. While I did not like writing, I did not hate it either. In fact, writing was the stairs for a frog likeRead MoreMy Journey Of Becoming A Better Writer848 Words   |  4 PagesA semester has passed since I started college and my journey of becoming a better writer. It has been a very important semester for my future college career, and I would not be here without the things I have accomplished. The composition program has really helped me to prepare for what college writing is all a bout. Now standing here and looking back I could not imagine how it would be without that class. I believe my English, and my writing is better than it has ever been, and all thanks to the compositionRead MoreGraduation Speech : My Experience1594 Words   |  7 Pageslacked practice with writing and was unable to adjust my habits to accommodate the flow of this course. I had not written an essay, except for research papers, since my fall quarter of freshman year. It was especially hard for me to adjust my time to account for all the activities in the class. Since the course is a hybrid course, I only had one face-to-face meeting with the class. Half of the class requires self-pace and constant checking of what needed to be accomplished. With my initial abilities

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Personal Navigation Devices Free Essays

Why have Personal Navigation Devices become popular? Personal navigation devices have become so popular because some people get tired of getting lost while driving, are not proficient at reading road maps, don’t always have a navigating passenger in their car that can tell them when they have to turn, and don’t have access to a plethora of needed maps in their car. Personal navigation devices are an answer to these problems. What technologies are required to facilitate the success of PNDs? The Global Positioning System, which consists of 24 satellites orbiting the Earth, is what personal navigation devices work off of. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Navigation Devices or any similar topic only for you Order Now All these satellites have atomic clocks incorporated within them to ensure accurate time keeping. Each satellite constantly sends the time and their location. The personal navigation device has a receiver that decodes the signals, a processor that uses a trilateration algorithm to calculate the location, internally stored maps that the location is compared to and a display screen for the user to see. Who are some of the leaders in PNDs? What are the likely factors that will contribute to winning in this marketplace? Some of the most popular leaders in PND are Garmin, Magellan, TomTom, and Motorola. The biggest factor that will contribute to winning the marketplace is the extra features and accessories it can offer. Some of these are music player, real-time weather and traffic data, real time lowest gas price locator, and driving feedback based on acceleration, braking and speeds. The biggest competitor to the above companies is the smartphone. Some of the above companies have tried to create them with limited success. The advantage to smartphones is that the more things something does, the desirable it is. What will be a likely future for PNDs? In order for PNDs to compete with smartphones, they’re going to need to incorporate the features that users like from smartphones. The biggest advantages PNDs have over smartphones is that when you commit the smartphone to navigation, you’re taking away your entertainment and communication abilities. You can’t navigate with a smartphone and talk to someone on it at the same time. One of the features a smartphone’s navigation has that PNDs don’t is a voice recognition system where all you have to say is â€Å"go to 123 Fake Street†. A GPS’s touch screen is good but will be problematic while driving when you need to pay attention to the road. A feature that some alarm clocks have is the ability to project the time image onto the ceiling. One thing a GPS feature could have is dedicating a section of the windshield to shine navigation information onto it. This information can be seen through it as long as the driver doesn’t focus on it. In some States like Minnesota, it’s illegal to mount a GPS on the windshield so drivers have to continuously look down. How to cite Personal Navigation Devices, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Cherry Orchard By Doll`s House Essay Example For Students

Cherry Orchard By Doll`s House Essay In the play The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov set in Mrs. Ranevskys estate and A Dolls House by Henrik Ibsen set in Helmers flat the protagonists shape the story. In both plays the protagonists mental beliefs combine reality and illusions that shape the plot of each respective story. The ability of the characters to reject or accept an illusion, along with the foolish pride that motivated their decision leads to their personal downfall. In the Cherry Orchard, by AntonChekhov, Gayev and Miss. Ranevsky, along with the majority of their family, refuse to believe that their estate is close to bankruptcy. Instead of accepting the reality of their problem, they continue to live their lives under the illusion that they are doing well financially. The family continues with its frivolous ways until there is no money left. One specific example of this is when the family throws an extravagant party on the final night before the house is auctioned off laughing in the face of impending financial ruin. Even when Lopakhin attempts to rescue the family with ideas that could lead to some of the estate being retained, they dismiss his ideas under the illusion that the situation is not that desperate that they need to compromise any of their dignity. The inability on the behalf of the family to realize the seriousness of their situation is seen in the passage between Lopakhin, Gayev and Mrs. Ranevsky: Lopakhin: As you know, your cherry orchards being sold to pay your debts. The Auctions on the twenty-second of August. Heres my plan. All you have to do is break up your cheery orchard and the land along the river into building plots and lease them out for country cottages. Youll have an income of at least twenty- five thousand a year. Gayev: Im sorry, but what utter nonsense! Mrs. Ranevsky: Cut down? My dear man, Im very sorry but I dont think you know what youre talking about 249. If they had recognized the situation they were in they might have been able to save some of their money, or even curbed their spending. This ultimately could have saved them from financial ruin. Unfortunately, once things got bad for them, they refused to accept the fact that circumstances had changed, and instead continued to live as though nothing were wrong. They adopted this illusion as a savior of their pride, and the illusion eventually became reality for the family. Their pride would not allow for anything else. They were too proud to accept their social status, and financial status was in jeopardy, so they chose to live a life of illusion. In their imaginary situation, they were going to be fine. It is easier to believe something when you want it to be true. Unfortunately, outside situations do not change, even if you can fool yourself into thinking they do not exist. The illusion that they used to run their lives became the source of their downfall. Since they grasped at their illusion so tightly, in vain hopes that it would replace reality, they failed to deal practically with their problem, until it got to the point where they had to. They were forced out onto the street, and had all their material possessions stripped from them. The most important thing they had their, status was gone. In a Dolls House, by Henrik Ibsen, property and status are again destined to be lost. The illusion is twisted. At the beginning of the play, Nora leads a life under the illusion that everything was perfect. She lives for eight years with the knowledge that she has broken the law, and betrayed her husband. Though it was necessary, the psychological toll it took on her and the family was hardly worthwhile. Along with Noras flaws, her husband was also at fault. He could not accept what Nora had done, would not have been able to deal with the extreme changes she had under gone. .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1 , .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1 .postImageUrl , .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1 , .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1:hover , .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1:visited , .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1:active { border:0!important; } .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1:active , .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1 .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue873a6ba0ce1bf3b784b59f3e8cb4be1:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The revenge of islam EssayHis pride would not let him accept that he needed a woman to help; that he could not handle everything alone without the help of another person. His self-confidence would not have been strong enough to take that kind of blow to his ego. If she had forced her husband into handling the situation, by having him borrow money himself, everything would have turned out just fine. She, instead, took out the loan on her own, and did not even clue in her husband. She tried to avoid having his pride injured by forcing him to borrow money, even though it was necessary to save his life. From this experience she grew. She learned about human nature, and about the value of money, and had even learned a lesson of practicality. Instead of clueing in her husband in about what she had, she kept quiet and left him ignorant. She lived her life in an illusion, pretending to be the old Nora that she was, and not the new and changed women she had developed into. She did not let the person she had become permeate all the aspects of her life. She let the illusion of the old Nora continue well after she had become a new person. Eventually she evolved into a person who could not be married to Helmer anymore. Helmer: Nora, I would gladly work for you night and day, and endure sorrow and hardships for your sake. But no man can be expected to sacrifice his honor, even for the person he loves. Nora: Millions of Women have done it 85. Helmer: Oh, you think and talk like a stupid child 83. Nora: That may be. But you neither think nor talk like a man I could share my life with as I am now, I am no wife for you 85. If she had continued to grow, and mature, and had accepted the kind of person she became, then perhaps she would have gained the courage to tell her husband what she had done. She would not have had to leave. She could have educated him gradually Instead of immediately surrendering any hope by leaving everything she has ever known. Noras failure to accept to what she had really become led to the end of her life with Helmer, and her downfall in society. In the end Helmer downfall socially and emotionally became apparent. Throughout each of these plays, the main characters faced a reality that they cease to accept, and instead live in an illusion. The refusal to accept a reality or illusion led to the characters fall in status and/or emotional well being.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Disciple Of Paul Aristotle Correct Essays - Christology, God

Disciple Of Paul: Aristotle Correct Disciple of Paul: Aristotle correct Aristotle: Yes, and you are? Disciple of Paul: I am a Christian disciple of Paul. It is an honor to meet you. Aristotle: why thank you. Now Pual, he was an apostle of Jesus and a leader of Christianity correct? Disciple of Paul: Yes he is known as the greatest missionaries of the early church. He endured sickness, rejection, and repeated attacks on his life to bring the message of Gods grace and forgiveness to gentiles. And yes Paul was largely responsible for the solid inception and growth of Christianity. Aristotle: You said a messenger of Gods grace. May I assume that you see Jesus as God on earth? Disciple of Paul: Of course. We believe Jesus is the form in which God took here on earth. Why, does this trouble you in any way? Aristotle: Well first you must understand this. I believe matter and form exist as one. But only form can present without matter. Matter cannot be present with out form. It is my belief that God exists in pure actuality. He exists in form, God, with the absence of matter, Jesus. In other words, God is only God, he is the first of all substances, and there is no formation of him on earth. Disciple of Paul: That is all very interesting, but it is Jesus who elected his people, and it is they who fulfilled the requirement of responding in faith. When I say elected I mean it is God speaking to his people, choosing them, as a part of his pre determined plan. Do you believe that your life is pre determined? Aristotle: No not really. It is everybodys responsibility to live a good life and to be successful. There are those that are blessed with luck, but I do not believe God intrudes upon everybodys life. Disciple of Paul: Then by what I am hearing success to you is very different. I find success in living out Gods words. It was revealed to us through Jesus that our mission was to follow God and have faith, and as a result good will come to us. Aristotle: You are right in that I believe differently. Happiness is the ultimate goal of life, and living is the process in which to get there. Anything astray from trying to achieve happiness I would consider a sin. Which is probably much different from what you would consider to be sin. Disciple of Paul: Sin or hamartia, in a sense, is right among us in the way that you think. I am not trying to be mean, but Paul says sin is the refusal to recognize God. You may not be aware of it but you do this when you say that Jesus is not the human form in which God has taken here on earth. Aristotle: I do not necessarily refuse to recognize God, I just dont think that sin has any relation to God. My belief in God is centered on our existence as humans, not in the way we live our day-to-day lives. I see God as the initiator of existence. Because everything is the result of some kind of motion and change cannot occur by itself, the motion had to have started at one point. This is what I call God, or the Prime Mover, in other words. Disciple of Paul: In some ways that is very similar to what I believe about God as the creator, in that God not only was responsible for the initial motion but God created the world as we know it. Beginning with Adam and Eve and so on as explained in Genesis. Aristotle: Well, it was very nice speaking with you. Good luck in your life of faith to God. Disciple of Paul: You as well, and I hope you are able to reach ultimate happiness. Philosophy Essays

Monday, November 25, 2019

Statement Letter - Psychology MA Degree Admissions essays

Statement Letter - Psychology MA Degree Admissions essays My dedication to furthering my education in the field of psychology is unstoppable. Psychology has always been a passion of mine, but not until recently have I taken advantage of the opportunity to pursue my innermost dreams. I can remember as far back as 7th grade, having the desire to become a psychiatrist. Although becoming a psychiatrist is not exactly what I am striving for right now, I never limit myself. Currently, my goal is to work on gaining a Master's Degree in Clinical Counseling for Drug and Alcohol Addicts. My educational background includes a Bachelor Degree in Biology from Purdue University, with a minor in Chemistry. While at Purdue in West Lafayette, pharmacy sparked some interest in me due to the fact that it was a well-known Pharmacy school and the financial outlook for pharmacists was impressive. It appeared to me as if half of the school was either pharmacy majors or engineering majors. After talking to my academic counselor and informing her of my desire to pur sue psychology, she encouraged me to pursue pharmacy due to my strong background in math and science. I took her advice while pushing my instincts to the side and jumped on the pharmacy bandwagon. After working as an intern in several retail pharmacies and reading a book about the pharmaceutical industry, I had a change of heart. I had to ask myself why I wanted to become a pharmacist. After looking in the mirror and honestly answering this question, the only answer I came up with was the impressive salary and job stability. As I matured, I came to grips with my true inner goals. I knew a long time ago that I wanted to study psychology, but I allowed my desires to be compromised by the money factor. Now I am learning to follow my instincts; they always steer me in the right direction. For example, during my last year in middle school, I was offered a full scholarship to attend a very prestigious prep school in Faribault, Minnesota. My instincts told me...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Oxygen Isotope Perturbation and Its Effects on Temperature and Essay

Oxygen Isotope Perturbation and Its Effects on Temperature and Salinity in the Bay of Bengal - Essay Example Oxygen isotope ratio is a climatic proxy, an environmental variable, and it assists climatologists, including paleoclimatologists, to determine certain important climatic parameters, both existing and past, from it. (UNST 232a Mentor Section Assignment 5) Another phenomenon the isotopes are involved in is that oxygen accumulates in the calcium carbonate (CaC) of the shells of marine animals called foraminifera -"Forams". The isotope ratio in the shells depends upon on the temperature and existing isotope ratio of the water in which the animals live or lived. Over periods of time these animals die and their shells descend to the bottom of the sea and form layers that present researchers with important data from which past temperature and isotope ratios can be determined. (UNST 232a Mentor Section Assignment 5) The isotope ratio in any singular stretch of water changes over time. Water molecules made up of the lighter isotope evaporate easily leaving water molecules with the heavier one back in the seawater. When the evaporated water precipitates back into the sea there is little change in the ratio but when the water vapour precipitates on land the lighter isotope is transported to land from where it may come back to the sea via rivers and other waterways or it may remain trapped for thousands of years in the form of ice if it is precipitated as snow on places like the polar icecaps and high mountain tops. (UNST 232a Mentor Section Assignment 5) During normal times the isotope ratio in sea and ocean water is fairly constant but during glacial periods when the icecaps advance beyond normal limits the isotope ratio shifts in favour of for obvious reasons. This is in a comparative sense to normal times. (Oceanography 540, 2002) The isotope ratio is expressed as delta (lower case) with the isotope contents expressed in parts per thousand (per mille) as the following equation demonstrates. = - / x 1000 Higher negativity in indicates greater depletion. (UNST 232a Mentor Section Assignment 5) The standard in this case is of 'Standard Mean Ocean Water' or 'SMOW'. (Oceanography 540, 2002) 3. The 'Foram' Fractionation Factor The foraminifera species being investigated in this report is the planktonic

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Globalisation has not reduced diversity in industrial relations Essay

Globalisation has not reduced diversity in industrial relations - Essay Example Thus there has been divergence in industrial relations in terms of labor market institutions and different approaches adopted by countries for structuring. All these facts help to support our argument that globalization has not reduced diversity in industrial relations. Globalization refers to only one connection system existing for the entire globe. Such a system can exist between commodity and capital markets and with respect to flow of information. With the emergence of globalization in the current period it can be termed as the global age (Cooper 2001). The era of globalization has allowed business houses to acquire investors from across borders and expand their businesses. Globalization has allowed countries to develop with spreading technologies and has helped to develop global capital markets (Blanpain 2009, 196). There has been internationalization of businesses mainly with promotion of international trade. But still it is found that globalization has not been that effective when it comes to industrial relations between Asian and Western countries. The strategies adopted for the industrialization and the role of the state has been different for both the type of countries. This has not let the two types of countries converge in terms of thei r industrial relations (De Silva n.d). The South Asian country, such as Malaysia, and the Western country of the United States can be cited as examples where globalization has not been able to reduce diversities that are concerned with industrial relations and has led to more divergence. The current paper tends to argue in favor of this issue through various findings and analysis. Globalization has invented and led to usage of technically advanced techniques for the countries, especially the developed countries. This has in fact led to more divergence between the developed Western countries and the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Current Affair Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Current Affair - Assignment Example In a bid to stop spread of Ebola, people have to avoid making physical contacts since Ebola is transmitted through body fluids such as sweat, saliva, blood, and tears among others. In a community that regards physical contact as the best way to express affection and show friendship, Ebola has claimed the lives of so many people. It is quite hard to shun away from the accustomed practices but nevertheless, this is the only way to prevent Ebola spread. It is extremely hard for family members and friends to avoid making physical contact regardless of situations requiring comfort. This is what makes it so hard to stop Ebola spread once it hits a certain area. Despite the view of many in different parts of the world, Ebola spread and containment is heavily dependent on the status of a country or area. Ebola may arguably be considered to thrive the best in areas of low development and therefore it is in order to say that Ebola spread is highly dependent on social inequality and economic imbalance. Looking at the recent sprout of Ebola, it is evident that developing countries such as some in Africa are at higher risks of experiencing such deadly diseases. To make matters worse, these are the same countries without the required techniques and knowledge of how to combat such horrific infestation. However, this is not to say that it would have better if the cases occurred in developed countries but instead it is a call for more to be done by the developed countries to help developing countries in times of crisis. For instance the levels at which media in developed countries reacted to the recent Ebola pandemic in Liberia is not satisfactory. It was not until Ebola claimed the first life in the American soil that American media reacted. This is despite the fact that cases of Ebola had already sprouted in Africa several months

Friday, November 15, 2019

Gender Differences in Emotional Responses to Clothing

Gender Differences in Emotional Responses to Clothing Contents (Jump to) Abstract Introduction Method Participants Procedure Chapter 1: Exposed skin 1.1 Specific body parts 1.1.1 Upper front body (neck, shoulder and chest) a) Results b) Discussion 1.1.2 Back a) Results b) Discussion 1.1.3 Leg a) Results b) Discussion 1.2 How short is too short? 1.2.1 Background information 1.2.2 Results Chapter 2: Color 2.1 Colors with sexual implications 2.1.1 Heu 2.1.2 Saturation 2.1.3 Brightness 2.1.4 Discussion 2.2 Colors that show weak character 2.2.1 Heu 2.2.2 Saturation 2.2.3 Brightness 2.2.4 Discussion Chapter 3: Dressing style 3.1 Loose and tight 3.1.1 Background information 3.1.2 Results 3.2 Uniforms 3.2.1 Uniforms that promote men’s interest 3.2.2 Uniforms that decrease men’s interest 3.2.3 Discussion of the reason of the â€Å"uniform phenomenon† Conclusion Bibliography Abstract Since scantily cladding is sometimes believed to be the cause to sexual harassment, it is necessary to find out whether they are related, and if so, how they are related. When discussing the relationship between scantily cladding and sexual harassment, the key element is the emotional response that clothing sends out from women to men. This study set an experiment to find out how different aspects including exposed skin, color, and style of women clothing can effect young adult men’s emotion, then analyzed the experiment result in psychological and social sectors. The result of the experiment indicates a strong relationship between the men’s emotion and certain clothing style. It was found that men are more attracted to exposed upper front body, relatively short dress, warm color, tight clothes and traditional female profession uniforms. It was also found that women who wear low saturation color clothes are thought to be weak and can be teased without worrying about revenge, thus put themselves in danger. The research of the relationship between color and human psychology explains the men’s romance preference in warm color, especially red is based on animal instinct. The study also analyzed the uniform appreciation in the â€Å"observational learning† theory. The study confirmed that the women’s clothing can be the cause of men’s sexualarousal, and may also be negative stimulus to men’s moral sense. These findings provide a base for further research on relationship between scantily cladding and sexual harassment. Key words: clothing, emotional response, sexual harassment, exposed skin, color Introduction Sexual harassment is the assault behavior with sex suggestions that happened in public or private situation, from one person to the other, including verbal assault, touching, etc. Dressing style is the general idea of elements of clothing, including color, tightness, uniforms etc. The former research has tried to relate the men’s behavior with the women’s clothing style, but all of them failed to define â€Å"sexy look† or compare the looks of women. One detailed research has related the red and men’s sexual arousal but did not explain the reason of that phenomenon. Method Participants The participants are the healthy male adults in Tianjin University, ranging in age from 18 to 28, who is considered to be able to receive the visual signal and give feedback. The experiment randomly interviewed 200 men, among which there are 180 valid questionnaires. Procedure In the experiment, the participants viewed several pictures and were asked to answer a few questions. The pictures were downloaded from the internetà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’especially from shopping website, and then for privacy and accuracy reason, the Photoshop software was used to erase the background and blank the models’ faces of all pictures. Then the pictures were showed to the participants. In the most time, the participants are asked to pick pictures that can conform to questions. The experiment was divided into five parts. In the first part, the three pictures are all of a same model, wearing tight white dresses; the three dresses exposed different part of her body. Then we asked the participants to choose the most attractive one. In the second part, the same model in the pictures wears white dresses that differ in lengths. The lengths of the four dresses in the pictures are thirty centimeters above the knees, ten centimeters above the knees, ten centimeters below the knees and thirty centimeters below the knees. The participants are asked to choose two pictures that they find attractive. In the third part, the photos are processed by Photoshop software to change the color of the girl’s dress. The original color is yellow, then the color of the dress was changed in heu, brightness and saturation, each measurement is a group and has four photos. The participants were asked to choose one photo from each group that they find attractive. Then they are asked to choose one photo from each group that they think the women in the picture is weak, the reason of thinking so was also asked. In the fourth part, the photos are all of a same model wearing different style dresses. The dresses differ in tightness. The participants are asked to choose from two pictures the women they find attractive. In one picture the model wears a lose black dress, in the other picture, the model wears a tight black dress. In the fifth part, the pictures are different uniforms, including police uniform, army uniform, nurse uniform, doctor uniform, cook uniform and stewardess uniform. Participants were asked to choose the uniforms that they find most attractive and least attractive. Chapter 1: Exposed skin 1.1 Specific body parts 1.1.1 Upper front body (neck, shoulder and chest) a)Results More than 50% participants chose the exposed chest as the most attractive photo. b)Discussion The breast, as a secondary sex characteristic of women, has a shape a lot like pygal, and also a symbol of estrogen level. In the ancient times, the human ancestors always use doggy style pose to intercourse. During the intercourse, pygal is the body part men would see. Breasts are the front side version of pygal, which allows the men to evaluate the women’s fertility when they meet. Also, the shape of breasts indicates the women’s age, health condition and nutritional state, which are crucial elements for an ancient man to choose his mate, because the woman’s body condition will affect their descendants. This tendency has been in human’s brain for thousands of years and has been inherited till today. 1.1.2 Back a) Results Less than 10% participants chose the exposed back as the most attractive photo. b) Discussion Back is an important part of human body, but not a key element in mate choosing. Still, Straight spinal column, smooth skin and well structured muscles can tell a man that a woman is in good body situation and can raise children by her own. The health condition is always an important element in mate choosing, so the exposed back is still attractive to some participants, but the other exposed body parts will do the back’s work just as well. 1.1.3 Leg a) Results 30% participants chose the exposed legs to be the most attractive photo. b) Discussion Legs are a large part of body. From the ancient times, long legs are considered to be beautiful and attractive; this norm has never been doubt. This norm is determined by the living state of ancient human. Archeologists find out that most unnatural death of ancient human was death caused by wounds of their back side of head, like a scratch or a bite. This finding indicates that the ancient human were living in dangerous environment and always need to run to escape from predictors. Long legs give a person the ability to run away from cruel and deadly attacks so long legs are even more important than strong body for a person to survive. In this case, it is no surprise that men tended to choose women with long legs and are attracted by exposed legs. Fig. 1. 1.2 How short is too short? 1.2.1 Background information In this part of experiment, the leg was chose to be the part for quantitative experiment because it is more measurable than upper front body and gains more importance in the qualitative experiment than the back. We put the model in the same scale and measured the length of the dresses. The result of the experiment was predicted that the shorter the dress is, the more attractive the picture will be to the participants. 1.2.2 Results The result of the experiment is consistent with the prediction. Among 180 participants, 81 of them chose the shortest dress to be the most attractive one, while only 6 of them chose the longest one. Fig. 2. Chapter 2: Color Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. 2.1 Colors with sexual implications 2.1.1 Heu The experiment find out that participants prefer women in warm tune than in cold tune. The woman in red dress is considered to be the most attractive women by most participants, nearly 40%. 2.1.2 Saturation The picture of the women who wears the second most saturated color dress is favored by most participants, which is 156 out of 180. 2.1.3 Brightness The differences in brightness did not cause obvious change in participants answer. 2.1.4 Discussion The men’s favor on warm color can be traced back to the barbarian time when the people still lived in the jungle. In the nature, very few plants are in warm color, while human body is always in warm color, so warm color is a kind of distinction between human and nature. When a man was searching for a woman in the field, he would subconsciously search for warm color. The favor in red is also explicable. Women use red as a signal to show that their bodies are ready to intercourse. During the flush of sexual interest, the blood capillary of the face, neck and upper chest burst and the blood in it creates the red color the others see. Also, red lip is the sigh of a healthy body condition, another attractive figure to men. The participants’ favor of the second most saturated color can be explained this way: the less saturate the color is, the less emotional message it coveys. The most saturated color sends out too many emotional message that makes it aggressive, while the less saturated color is too pale make the women unapproachable. Only the second most saturated color sends out mild message and makes people feel safe and touchable. 2.2 Colors that show weak characters 2.2.1 Heu No obvious tendency has been should. 2.2.2 Saturation The third most saturated color picture has been chose to be the â€Å"weakest† photo by 60% participants, and the second most saturated color picture had 30% votes. 2.2.3 Brightness The brightest color has been chose to be the â€Å"weakest† photo by 50% participants, and the least bright color also got 30% votes. 2.2.4 Discussion The colors saturation is highly related to its impact of people. The more saturated the color, the stronger information it sends out, which could be considered as aggressive, confident or willful. This kind of emotional massage, will make the woman dressed in it looks confident and tough, so even she is beautiful, the man that is attracted to her may still worry about potential revenge and flinch from harassing her. Bright color makes people feel safe and relax, and is more feminine than darker color. In the ancient times, men go out to hunt food, everything they saw are in dark and dirty color. Only after they come back to the cave, they can see bright color such as women and babies. As time passes, the bright color was related to safe, relax and effeminate concepts. Therefore, if a woman is dressed in bright color, she may sends out a message that says she is weak and fragile, so men may tease her. Chapter 3: Dressing style 3.1 Loose and tight 3.1.1 Background information The tightness experiment is essentially about whether the revealed body shape is more attractive to men or the covered body shape is more fancy stirring. The shape of the body plays an important role in mate choosing, so the hypothesis of the experiment is that the participants would favor the women in the tight dress instead of the women in the loose dress. 3.1.2 Results The result of the experiment is consistent with the prediction. More than 54% participants chose the tightly dressed women to be the more attractive one. Fig. 6. 3.2 Uniforms 3.2.1 Uniforms that promote men’s interest Ranking from high to low, the uniforms that promote men’s interest are: nurse uniform, stewardess uniform, doctor uniform, army uniform, police uniform and then cook uniform. 3.2.2 Uniforms that decrease men’s interest Ranking from high to low, the uniforms that decrease men’s interest are: army uniform, police uniform, cook uniform, doctor uniform, nurse uniform and then stewardess uniform. Fig. 7. 3.2.3 Discussion of the reason of the â€Å"uniform phenomenon† To analyze the experiment data as a whole, we can see that the traditional female job uniforms are much more welcomed than the male job uniforms. This phenomenon can be explained in the â€Å"observational learning† theory. A man living in the society will be able to see things every day; this step is called â€Å"observation†. Then, he will connect his observation result with definitions he already knew, so the symbol and the concept are related in this way. This step is called study. When a man sees a police uniform or a army uniform, the person wearing it is always a man, so this observational study experience make him connect these uniforms with the concept of men. This kind of observational study experiences occur repeatedly and strengthen the connection. So when this man sees a police uniform, it is normal that he is not attracted because he subconsciously related them to his same sex. Participants’ favor on the traditional female job uniforms can also be e xplained in this theory by in opposite direction. To analyze the data more specifically, we can see the least attractive uniform, the cook uniform, is not the most frustrating uniform. Instead, it is the third frustrating uniform. The reason may be that the cook uniform is too loose and hide the woman’s body, so the participants cannot see how attractive the woman really is, so the uniform is the least attractive one. However, as cook is a work that does not have very specific gender definition, men also did not find it very frustrating. On the contrary, the army uniform, especially the female version, revealed the woman’s body shape, so many participants found her beautiful, but as it is also related to male concept, it is still the most frustrating uniform according to the experiment. Conclusion This paper has discussed the relationship between the women clothing and the emotional response that men feedback. This study set an experiment to find out how different aspects including exposed skin, color, and style of women clothing can effect young adult men’s emotion, then analyzed the experiment result in psychological and social sectors. The study introduced a new method of experiment in this topic, and then showed the data in diagram. The discussing part analyzed the result both generally and specifically. The study dug deep into human nature to disclose the hidden features that affect men’s mentalities. The study showed that human nature decided that men are more interested in breast, long, exposed legs and warm color. The research in psychology showed how the three measurements of color, heu, brightness and saturation can affect a woman’s glamour and show different personality. The observational study theory in social psychology area explains how men’s tastes on uniforms are formed in a certain society. The study confirmed that the women’s clothing can be the cause of men’s sexual arousal, and may also be negative stimulus to men’s moral sense. These findings provide a base for further research on relationship between scantily cladding and sexual harassment. The study has some obvious limitations. Only 180 participants are concluded in the experiment, which make the sample not strong enough. The experiment may also be affected by the participants’ honesty, for example, the participants may be ashamed of telling the interviewers that their favorite women is the most exposed one, this kind of problem may make the data invalid. References [1] Nicolas Guà ©guen (2011) The Effect of Women’s Suggestive Clothing on Men’s Behavior and Judgment: a field study Psychological Reports, 2011, 109, 2, 635-638 [2] Nicolas Guà ©guen (2012) Color and Women Attractiveness: When Red Clothed Women Are Perceived to Have More Intense Sexual Intent The Journal of Social Psychology, 2012, 152(3), 261–265 [3] Anouk Festjens (2014) Women Too Respond to Sexual Cues by Taking More Risks Harvard Business Review April 2014 [4] Andrew J. Elliotà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’Tobias Greitemeyer, Adam D. Pazda (2013) Womens use of red clothing as a sexual signal in intersexual interaction Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 49 (2013) 599–602 [5] Valdez Patricia; Mehrabian Albert (1994) Effects of color on emotions Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Vol 123(4), Dec 1994, 394-409. [6] Arndt, William B.; Foehl, John C.; Good, F. Elaine (1985) Specific sexual fantasy themes: A multidimensional study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 48(2), Feb 1985, 472-480

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Why Wealth and Status Dont Play a Key Role in Jane and Mr. Rochesters Relationship :: Jane Eyre Wealth Social Status Essays

Why Wealth and Status Don't Play a Key Role in Jane and Mr. Rochester's Relationship "My bride is here because my equal is here, and my likeness. Jane, will you marry me?" When one talks about marriage in the Victorian society, wealth and status is first considered. Love comes last or, more often, it is never considered. In the novel Jane Eyre, the relationship between Mr. Rochester and Jane is quite different. This is clearly shown when Blanche Ingram changes her mind about marrying Mr. Rochester, preparations for Jane's abortive first marriage, their attraction for each other without the presence of money, and when Jane inherits money and she makes a surprising move. The importance of wealth and status in Victorian marriage is immense. In Victorian England parents made their girls marry men from similar wealth and position. If a woman did marry purely for love and not for wealth she risked a life of poverty, homelessness, and hunger. This factor can also be seen in Jane Eyre, because Jane's mother was married to a poor clergyman against the will of her father. She married purely for love and therefore risked a life of being poor. This was almost a punishment for Jane's mother as she married against her father's will and only married for love. Wealth and status is also important in the novel Jane Eyre, although they are important in different aspects of the novel and important to different people. There are two opposing views. Blanche Ingram, a very spiteful character is going to marry Mr. Rochester because of his wealth but when she is called to the gypsy to find out her future, she "finds out" that he is not as rich as he seems and therefore cancels all plans to marry him. "She (Blanche) considers the Rochester estate eligible to the last degree; though I told her something on that point about an hour ago which made her look wondrous grave".1 However there is another view to the importance of wealth and status. Jane Eyre, the main character says, "Were I a gentleman like him, I would take to my bosom only such a wife as I could love".2 Money and status are not important to her. In her opinion marriage should not be an act of convenience. During the preparations for Jane's abortive first marriage, Mr. Rochester wants to buy Jane expensive items e.g. clothes and jewels. Jane has no intention of buying expensive jewels and clothes, as they are not important to her. She says, "Oh, sir! - never mind jewels! I don't like to hear them spoken of. Jewels for Jane Eyre sound